Ailesh Power

Startup name

Ailesh Power



Idea description

Indonesian startup Ailesh Power

EFB pellets made from empty fruit bunch are an alternative solution for any application. It has a maximum calorific value of 5400 kcal/kg, 4% moisture content; low mineral content with 60 ppm potassium and 6.3 ppm sodium; and prevents slagging and pollution thanks to its 1200 °C ash melting point.

Biomass wood fuel sourced from sustainably managed forests with SCF certification provides the highest quality wood pellets with an ash content of 0.5%, chlorine content of 70 ppm and an ash melting point of 1400°C


  • Alternative power sources


The initiative covers some sectors of waste-to-energy and sustainable ecosystem by supporting a portfolio of projects:
- Sei Mangkei project covers the use of empty fruit bunch (EFB) in biomass pellets
- Serang project covers a producer of wood pellets derived from sustainable forest management
- Bali project covers the waste-to-energy (WtE) ecosystem in waste-to-energy (WtE) power plants at Gianyar landfill and biogas digester in Taro village
- The Bantul project includes the conversion of waste to biogas with the installation of an earth bag type biogas reactor